Automated Visualization and Data Analysis in McIDAS-V
Automated Visualization and Data Analysis in McIDAS-V

Tuesday, 4 February 2014: 2:15 PM
Room C106 (The Georgia World Congress Center )
McIDAS-V is a powerful interactive visualization package that is open source and distributed without charge. The software supports display of geospatial data on a 3D grid (x,y,z) at single or multiple times. McIDAS-V's Jython interface allows the user non-interactive access to the Java libraries that manage the analysis and display of the data. This talk will show examples of automated data analysis using McIDAS-V libraries and scripts, as well as examples of product development within McIDAS-V. This development was completed to aid analysis of GOES satellite image quality with the intent of extending the work to GOES-R. Most, if not all of the work done for the GOES image quality project could be extended to analysis of polar orbiting satellite data. Visualization examples that take advantage of the 3D display and layer capabilities will be presented. These visualizations have been used to illustrate complex dynamics observed in satellite imagery and aid scientists in visualization and validation of their products.