Numerical Simulation of atmospheric mercury in central Mississippi
Numerical Simulation of atmospheric mercury in central Mississippi

Tuesday, 4 February 2014
Hall C3 (The Georgia World Congress Center )
we applied an air quality modeling system to evaluate model ability in capturing ambient concentration of atmospheric mercury in both summer and winter. It was found that meteorological model of system well reproduced surface temperature and wind speed; and photochemical model exhibited a good skill in capturing surface O3 and NO2 concentrations for both summer and winter months; But model system lacked a skill in reproducing SO2 concentration with significant overestimates in both summer and winter. The model underestimated weekly wet deposition partly because of precipitation errors from meteorological model. The model overestimated atmospheric ambient Hg0 concentration in summer whereas slightly underestimated in winter. The model exhibited a good skill in capturing seasonal variability RGHg while it produced a significant overestimate Phg in both summer and winter. Sensitivity test revealed that anthropogenic emissions had great influences in local/regional ambient concentrations of HG0, RGHg and Phg where anthropogenic emissions made a contribution of 10-20% for ambient HG0, 20-40% for RGHg and 40-60% for Phg.