Simulating Radiative Transport for Vegetation in Complex Urban Environments with Green Infrastructure

Radiative transport plays a driving role in the exchange of energy and water in urban and forestry ecosystems. Because of its high level of complexity, fully modeling radiative exchange across an urban landscape with green infrastructure is often cost-prohibitive in terms of computational resources and time. A variety of approaches have been proposed to model radiative exchange and its impact on the energy and water budgets in urban and forestry systems. To date, these have all included some compromises in terms of physical complexity and computational cost ranging from models that thoroughly represent the physics with relatively small numbers of vegetation to models that encompass large domains using generalizations about vegetative homogeneity. We present a radiative transport model for trees that physically represents the characteristics of tree leaf structure and is linked to spatially explicit energy and water budgets.
Our tree model is integrated with the QUIC EnvSim tool and is efficient enough to afford city-scale problems resolving both trees and buildings within the domain. As such, the simulation tool is able to predict how radiative fluxes on nearby surfaces are augmented by surrounding vegetation. The model includes solar irradiation and longwave radiation exchange between objects within the domain. Trees are treated as participating media and augment radiation through scattering, absorption, and emission. The tree crowns are composed of multiple cell volumes, each with their own physical properties and leaf energy and water budgets. Radiative fluxes are calculated using ray-tracing algorithms, which are traditionally used in computer graphics to render scenes with complex visual light transport. The model exploits the inherent parallelization of the ray tracing algorithm to gain significant speed up on commodity graphics processing units (GPUs). This affords the efficient simulation of urban landscapes with vegetation using relatively inexpensive desktop computers. Our talk will focus on the details of the computational model and present validation results comparing the model's radiative and temperature components to empirical data obtained within trees.