Using S-NPP Cal/Val datasets for Aqua/AIRS-V6 and future AIRS/MODIS/AMSU, algorithm development, improvement, and validation
Using S-NPP Cal/Val datasets for Aqua/AIRS-V6 and future AIRS/MODIS/AMSU, algorithm development, improvement, and validation

Monday, 3 February 2014
Hall C3 (The Georgia World Congress Center )
The NASA EOS Aqua satellite and S-NPP/JPSS have an equatorial crossing time at 1:30am/pm and an orbital repeat of 16 days. This orbital configuration and overlap enables Cal/Val efforts pointed toward the validation of one satellite's EDR and SDRs to be used to validate the other's EDR and SDRs. We will show comparisons of AIRS-v6 and various configurations of the NOAA offline AIRS/MODIS/AMSU algorithm temperature and moisture EDRs, and cloud-cleared radiance to S-NPP dedicated radiosonde measurements from the three ARMTWP, ARMNSA, ARMSGP, and PMRF dedicated sites.