Forecast Confidence Measures for Deterministic Storm-scale Aviation Forecasts

This presentation will describe a methodology to provide measures of confidence for deterministic storm-scale forecasts. The method inputs several characteristics of the current and historical weather forecasts, such as spatial scale, intensity, weather type, orientation, permeability, and run-to-run variability of the forecasts, into a statistical model to provide a measure of confidence in a forecasted quantity. In this work, the forecasted quantity is aircraft blockage associated with key high-impact Flow Constrained Areas (FCAs) in the NAS. The results from the method, which will also be presented, provide the user with a measure of forecast confidence in several blockage categories (none, low, medium, and high) associated with the FCAs. This measure of forecast confidence is geared toward helping en-route strategic planners in the NAS make better use of deterministic storm-scale weather forecasts for air traffic management.