Quantifying the regional and global tropospheric ozone variability driven by ENSO using the GEOS-5 Ozone Assimilation

In this presentation, we will first demonstrate the fidelity of the analysis tropospheric column ozone (TCO) relative to ozonesonde observations. The analysis TCO is persistently biased low by ~1-5 DU depending upon latitude primarily due to a high bias in the MLS lower stratospheric observations. However, the bias and root-mean-square differences from sonde observations are significantly reduced compared to previous residual methods of subtracting the stratospheric column from the total column. We will then quantify the TCO variability forcing by ENSO and examine the regional differences and latitudinal extent of this forcing. We will show that the ENSO signature dominates the regional, short-term increasing trends in the tropics and middle latitudes. However, a small, yet significant, increasing trend remains throughout much of these latitudes when the ENSO signature is removed from the TCO time series.