Total Lightning Data as a Proxy for Radar Reflectivity, VIL and Echo Tops
Total Lightning Data as a Proxy for Radar Reflectivity, VIL and Echo Tops

Wednesday, 5 February 2014: 2:15 PM
Room C105 (The Georgia World Congress Center )
Utilizing total lightning data, which includes both in‐cloud (IC) and cloud‐to‐ground (CG) flashes, from Earth Networks Total Lightning Network (ENTLN), the relationships between the total lightning flash rates and radar data such reflectivity, vertically integrated liquid (VIL)and echo tops (ET) are investigated. The statistical models which relate lightning flash rate to dBZ, VIL and ET are created and used to generate “synthetic radar” maps, or PulseRad, from the total lightning data. PulseRad can be useful in places where radar data are degraded or unavailable. The derived reflectivity data can be used to estimate rainfall in convective storms, and the VIL and ET can be used in other applications such as aviation tactical planning. This presentation will provide analysis and examples from different locations around the world.