Access High Quality Data Imagery from the NOAA View Portal
Access High Quality Data Imagery from the NOAA View Portal

Tuesday, 4 February 2014: 11:45 AM
Room C109 (The Georgia World Congress Center )
NOAA curates a vast treasure trove of environmental data, but one that is sometimes not easily accessed, especially for education, outreach, and media purposes. Traditional data portals in NOAA require extensive knowledge of the specific names of observation platforms, models, and analyses, along with nomenclature for variable outputs. A new website and web mapping service (WMS) from NOAA attempts to remedy such issues. The NOAA View data imagery portal provides a seamless entry point into data from across the agency: satellite, models, in-situ analysis, etc. The system allows the user to browse, animate, and download high resolution (e.g., 4,000 x 2,000 pixel or more) imagery, Google Earth, and even proxy data files. The WMS architecture also allows the resources to be ingested into other software systems or applications.
Supplementary URL: http://www.nnvl.noaa.gov/view