The Road Map for Volcanic Ash Information and Strategic Planning for International Aviation Weather Services

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner
Tuesday, 4 February 2014: 8:30 AM
Georgia Ballroom 3 (The Georgia World Congress Center )
Steven Albersheim, FAA, Washington, DC; and M. K. Peterson, L. Burch, and T. J. Helms Jr.

In response to the Icelandic volcano eruption in the spring of 2010 that caused closure of airspace in Europe as volcanic ash was transported over the continent, the international community convened a series of seminars, workshops, conferences, and meetings to address the gaps in the services and information pertain to volcanic ash. Principal to the provision of volcanic ash information is the International Civil Aviation Organization International (ICAO) Airways Volcano Watch Program which provides oversight to the Volcanic Ash Advisory Centers. Although significant progress was made over this four year period with the review of Best Practices, initiation of engine testing, recognition of risk assessment, agreement on Contingency Plans, and other improvements, there is not yet a full understanding of how volcanic ash information services are to be provided.

This paper will focus on the need for a strategic plan for the provision of meteorological services in support of international air navigation based on the guidance that stems from the recently held ICAO 12th Air Navigation Conference that resulted in adoption of the 4th edition of the Global Air Navigation Plan and agreement by the international community to adopt the Aviation System Block Upgrades that define the services required for the future air navigation system, including meteorological information. Planned improvements in Volcanic Ash information, identified in the Volcanic Ash Concept of Operations document, will be used to illustrate the necessary development of a Roadmap for any changes in services.