Synergies of Multi-Doppler Lidar Observations within the KITcube mobile Observation Platform
Synergies of Multi-Doppler Lidar Observations within the KITcube mobile Observation Platform

Tuesday, 4 February 2014: 11:30 AM
Room C203 (The Georgia World Congress Center )
With the increase of spatial resolution of weather forecast models of order O(1 km) the need for adequate observations exists for model validation. Therefore, we designed and constructed the KITcube, an integrated mobile observations platform for convection studies of processes on the meso-γ scale. The KITcube consists of in situ and remote sensing systems which allow measuring the energy balance components of the Earth's surface at different sites, mean atmospheric conditions by radiosondes, GPS stations, a microwave radiometer, a sodar and wind lidars, and cloud and precipitation properties by use of a cloud radar, a micro rain radar, disdrometers, rain gauges, and an X-band rain radar. The wind lidars also provide turbulent characteristics in the convective boundary layer. Near-real-time data acquisition allows situation adapted instrument control and coordinated scanning of the remote sensing instruments for maximum synergy. During the spring 2013 deployment of KITcube for the HD(CP)2 (High Definition Clouds and Precipitation for advancing Climate Prediction) field campaign in the western part of Germany, the three Doppler lidars of KITcube (1.6 µm and 2 µm WindTracer, Windcube8) were jointly operated with a Windcube200S, a HALO Photonics Doppler lidar, and the research lidar “WiLi”, as well as two small WindcubeV2. All instruments were positioned within an area of 4x3 km^2 . The presentation will introduce KITcube and focus on Doppler-lidar measurements. We will compare data availability, maximum measurement frequency and range of the lidars under different meteorological conditions. The synergetic use of low and high performance lidars together with a cloud radar and mast-mounted sonic anemometers allows the calculation of continuous profiles of vertical velocity variance from ground level up to the top of the convective boundary layer. These profiles were analysed to show differences of two devices standing one next to the other, as well as differences between 4 measurements sites at a very small area. Finally we will give an example of real time controlled Dual-Doppler measurements for the detection of coherent structures.