Communicating Surface Weather across the Enterprise for Improved Highway Safety and Operations
Communicating Surface Weather across the Enterprise for Improved Highway Safety and Operations

Wednesday, 5 February 2014: 4:15 PM
Room C107 (The Georgia World Congress Center )
The roles in providing weather, water and climate data and information for surface transportation agencies are shared among a diverse group of weather service entities in the public and private sectors. A significant barrier to improving the products and services available to users and stakeholders is that the roles and responsibilities are neither clearly defined nor consistent between providers and the transportation agencies they serve. Furthermore, expanding coordination and enhancing technology transfer is needed to accelerate the application and use of new or emerging information processing technologies. This presentation will highlight cooperative efforts by parties in the provider community including the National Weather Service, Federal Highway Administration, State Departments of Transportation (DOTs), local and municipal agencies, and commercial entities which develop and sell tailored products and services. Five (5) case studies that contrast specific State DOT operational structures and the availability of meteorological services will be discussed. The case studies are categorized according to the presence of or access to meteorologists in the State DOTs, specifically in their Traffic Management Centers (TMCs). Guidance on what may constitute good practices in decision support services for traffic, maintenance and emergency managers will be highlighted through each case study. Special attention will be given to collaborative and effective practices in public messaging prior to, during and after high impact weather events and its potential to change traveler behavior.