An Application of a New Adaptive Observation Scheme in a Quick OSSE
An Application of a New Adaptive Observation Scheme in a Quick OSSE

Monday, 3 February 2014: 5:15 PM
Room C203 (The Georgia World Congress Center )
There are some future mobile observation systems to be evaluated by OSSE systems, such as NOAA WISDOM balloons and UAS dropsondes for improving hurricane track forecasts. At 2013 AMS meeting, we presented our WISDOM OSSE results and discussed the potential improvement of WISDOM balloon deployment using an adaptive observations. Adaptive observation schemes have to be considered in these experiments in order to fully take advantages of the mobile observation systems. Among the existing adaptive observation schemes, we investigated ensemble transform (ET) based methods and proposed a new ET method for better performance in both computational efficiency and analysis quality. We applied this new method in a quick OSSE for a heavy precipitation event in Tibet plateau and demonstrate the impact of the adaptive observation scheme. The quick OSSE results demonstrated how ET helps deploy mobile observations in observation sensitive areas. We are planning to apply the adaptive methods for WISDOM OSSE in the near future.