Perspectives on severe weather communication: A timeline of products/services and decisions/actions from the Moore tornado
Perspectives on severe weather communication: A timeline of products/services and decisions/actions from the Moore tornado

Wednesday, 5 February 2014: 1:30 PM
Room C107 (The Georgia World Congress Center )
The 20 May 2013 Moore tornado presents a unique opportunity to document the interplay between products/services and decisions/actions. Various news sources, NWS products, and discussions involving local decision makers and emergency management personnel were used to construct an ``event driven'' timeline of what NWS partners receive, send, and do with severe weather risk information. We can then ask how NWS information penetrates into the public eye, what its reach may be, and if that information is being used and/or helpful to make decisions. Attempting to connect the role of products in communication strategies/tactics is essential to evaluating if some products effectively communicate risks and hazards on an actionable level. It is already clear that products themselves can not unilaterally serve all communication needs though they may contain the raw information needed to produce effective communication.