The User Interface Platform within the Global Framework for Climate Services
The User Interface Platform within the Global Framework for Climate Services

Wednesday, 5 February 2014: 10:30 AM
Room C301 (The Georgia World Congress Center )
Member Nations of the World Meteorological Organization have come together to form a Global Framework for Climate Services. Realizing that climate affects all aspects of human existence, the Framework concentrates on health, water resources, disaster risk reduction, and agriculture and food security. These four priority areas are the focus of climate services within the Framework, geared toward the most vulnerable populations. The Interface Platform (UIP) is the pillar of the Framework, which provides a structured means for users, user representatives, climate researchers and climate service providers to interface at global, regional, national and community levels. The author will share her experience as the principal author of the Interface and a contributing author to the Implementation Plan of the Global Framework for Climate Services.