The GEWEX Science Questions and Metrics for Progress

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner
Tuesday, 4 February 2014: 5:15 PM
Room C210 (The Georgia World Congress Center )
P.J. Van Oevelen, International GEWEX Project Office, Columbia, MD

Observation of the energy and water exchanges and states at various scales is critical in predicting changes in our environment and managing these. Changes will have direct consequences for our natural and social environment e.g. for our water resources. Within GEWEX, the World Climates Research Programmes cor project on land - atmosphere interactions, the global energy and water cycle is the main focus of attention. Changes at the global scale will have consequences at the regional scale and vice versa. Hence, the GEWEX Science Questions must be specific and focused, while identifying ways to advance the science, and it must resonate among agencies, program managers, and the public. These Challenges must also provide vehicles to encourage the different GEWEX panels to interact in pursuing a common goal and provide a way forward that is tractable, (e.g., via new observations and computer and model advancements). It must also address possible benefits and impacts and links to issues related to food, water, health, energy, and biodiversity. Four GEWEX Science Questions (GSQs) have been identified where progress can be made and the science community believes are mature enough for progress provided that adequate resources are provided. Some prospects for advancement are already paid for and likely to occur, but others require agencies to step up to fund such advances. International coordination via GEWEX can makes the whole greater than the sum of its parts.

• Observations and Predictions of Precipitation • Global Water Resource Systems • Changes in Extremes • Water and energy cycles

Besides specific bench marking and metrics of models progress at various levels need to be tracked and linked. In the presentation an overview is given on how that is envisioned and could be done.