Space Weather at NSF: Present and Future
Space Weather at NSF: Present and Future

Monday, 3 February 2014: 11:15 AM
Room C110 (The Georgia World Congress Center )
The goal of space weather research at NSF is to provide the fundamental understanding of the coupled Sun-Earth system that directly impacts our technological society. NSF has made tremendous progress in space weather research through a combination of fundamental plasma physics research, advanced modeling and diverse observational platforms. Recently a Space Weather Research Program has been developed providing support for some ground-based and space-based platforms (including university based cubesats), the Community Coordinated Modeling Center, and joint NASA-NSF space weather modeling efforts. This talk will highlight some recent NSF-supported accomplishments in advancing the nation's fundamental knowledge in space weather as well as NSF's role in space weather education. Finally the talk will conclude with NSF's future plans and priorities in space weather research and observations.