Update and Discussion on Physical and Social Science Needs and Gaps Identified at Two Weather-Ready Nation Workshops

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner
Monday, 3 February 2014: 11:30 AM
Georgia Ballroom 2 (The Georgia World Congress Center )
John V. Cortinas Jr., NOAA/OAR/, Silver Spring, MD; and J. Sprague

In December 2011, 175 experts and leaders gathered at the National Weather Center in Norman, Oklahoma to begin a conversation on what it takes for our country to become a Weather-Ready Nation (WRN). Their goal was to "identify, prioritize, and set in motion actions to improve the nation's resiliency against severe weather, especially tornadoes, to protect lives and property." To better clarify physical and social science actions to meet this goal, a second meeting was held in April 2012 in Birmingham, Alabama.

The proceedings from these two meetings were summarized in reports, and from those reports 39 actions items (AIs) and twelve recommended projects emerged. Many actions are multi-disciplinary and multi-organizational, and will require participation by the social science community. The actions comprise a resource for understanding the social science needs of the weather enterprise, particularly with respect to warnings for high impact events.

This presentation will provide an overview of the Action Items and any progress to date, including identifying which ones have been completed, underway or are waiting for further action. The intention is to re-energize dialogue with the Weather, Water and Climate Enterprise towards fulfilling the needs and gaps identified at the Norman and Birmingham WRN Meetings. In the true spirit of dialogue, espoused at the Norman and Birmingham meetings, all sectors of the broader weather, water and climate enterprise need to be included as part of the solution towards fulfilling the varied needs and gaps identified and building community resilience in the face of increasing vulnerability to extreme weather and water events.