Using real-time retrievals from multiple hyperspectral sounders in the analysis of Superstorm Sandy
Using real-time retrievals from multiple hyperspectral sounders in the analysis of Superstorm Sandy

Thursday, 6 February 2014
Hall C3 (The Georgia World Congress Center )
In this paper we make a case for the use of atmospheric information derived from hyperspectral sounder measurements in analyzing severe storms. In real-time decision-making environments, analysts have typically relied on interpreting broad-band imagery and models. With hyperspectral radiance measurements now operationally available from four sounders, a new source of information is available. This new information (radiances and retrievals) can be used in real-time for the analysis of severe weather to support fast response, decision-making and forecasting. In this paper, we specifically demonstrate the quality of hyperspectral retrievals in analyzing Superstorm Sandy. Having quantitative information that characterizes vertical atmospheric conditions and coincident surface and cloud features makes it possible to study the evolution, intensity, spatial track and extent of a storm. And with multiple sounders now in operational polar-orbit, a time-series of retrievals provide new and valuable information on the pre-convective and convective environment. It is demonstrated that when used together with traditional sources (e.g. broad-band imagery) a more complete picture of the storm structure, intensity changes and its environmental conditions can be created.