The Advanced Algorithm for the Tracking of Objects
The Advanced Algorithm for the Tracking of Objects

Monday, 3 February 2014
Hall C3 (The Georgia World Congress Center )
The Advanced Algorithm for the Tracking of Objects (AALTO) constructs tracks from objects, such as thunderstorms or mesocyclones, detected by multiple weather radars at irregular time intervals. The algorithm incorporates many of the best practices of existing tracking algorithms and techniques employed by human meteorologists in constructing tracks. AALTO differs from existing algorithms designed to track meteorological phenomena that manifest in radar data in the following ways: 1) AALTO is designed to track objects from multiple radars, enabling analysis over a larger domain than if a single radar was used; 2) improved tracking is realized through improved initial motion estimates and directional thresholding; and 3) AALTO looks both at the track history and at subsequent possible positions along a track when constructing the best possible tracks, mimicking the approach that would be taken by a human meteorologist. An overview of the AALTO tracking procedure and examples from several cases will be presented.