Testing and Evaluation of GSI Background Error Sensitivity for Regional Applications

Given the GSI implemented at AFWA is a 3D-Var system, specifying domain specific Background Error Covariance (BE) matrices is vitally important in improving forecast performance. The DTC has established two parallel real-time systems as well as a retrospective testing environment to test forecast performance sensitivity to different BEs. The newly developed beta version of the community GEN-BE 2.0 tool developed at NCAR/Mesoscale and Microscale Meteorology (MMM) is used for domain specific BE generation. Domain specific BEs are generated using the NMC method from several months of forecasts with additional tuning. This presentation will diagnose the various BE factors and discuss aspects of generating and tuning domain specific BEs using GEN-BE 2.0. Additionally, the forecast performance when using the domain specific BE relative to using pre-computed operational BEs will be presented.