Supporting Use of Decision Support Tools through Evaluation, Curation, and Engagement: the Carpe Diem West Academy
Supporting Use of Decision Support Tools through Evaluation, Curation, and Engagement: the Carpe Diem West Academy

Thursday, 6 February 2014: 2:45 PM
Room C107 (The Georgia World Congress Center )
Resource managers face a confusing and often overwhelming plethora of evolving tools and methods for considering climate change in planning and management. Many tools require substantial investments in data gathering, analysis, or stakeholder engagement. Many address only pieces of the climate change adaptation challenge without clear interconnection. Irreducible uncertainties associated with climate change call for an iterative approach to risk management using a mix of tools and methods matched to the stage of risk management being addressed, the specific issues and time scales of relevance, the resources available for planning, desired characteristics for stakeholder engagement, and decision making roles. We integrated several organizing frameworks into an interactive ‘toolbox', the Carpe Diem West Academy (carpediemwestacademy.org). It reviews and characterizes over decision support tools and training resources, developed by others, that are useful for water resources planning and management, including consideration of interconnections with other resources such as energy and ecosystem services. Academy users are supported through a variety of approaches, at a scale that is practical to sustain, that fosters shared learning about tools and their application in adaptation efforts, and that can support establishment of best practices for incorporating uncertainty and climate change. The Academy's webinar series connects water resources practitioners, methodology experts, tool designers, and webinar participants in candid discussion about specific management challenges, best practices, communication of results to executive boards and the public, costs and effectiveness of analysis efforts, and first steps to getting started. Topics covered over our two-year series include: iterative risk management, robust decision making, vulnerability assessment, scenario planning, downscaling climate projections, watershed valuation, and effective messaging. We provide "Tool Time", an extended consultation with a practitioner and staff within their organization, to match their needs with specific tools in the Academy compendium, to develop deeper understanding of organizational challenges in using decision support tools. The webinar discussions and Tool Time consults provide a unique perspective about the challenges facing western water resources practitioners, opportunities for innovative and effective responses, needs for tools and training, and establishment of best practices.