The Effects of Global Dimming/Brightening on Climate Change
The Effects of Global Dimming/Brightening on Climate Change

Sunday, 2 February 2014
Hall C3 (The Georgia World Congress Center )
As a result of the anthropogenic aerosols and pollutants most of the second half of the 20th Century experienced a global dimming effect that offset the true magnitude of global warming. However the Clean Air Acts of the 1970's and 1990 combined with international clean air initiatives have removed a significant amount of anthropogenic aerosols. Without the dimming effect of the aerosols on the surface solar radiation (SSR) budget, the true magnitude of global warming has emerged over the last 25 years, which have been the warmest on record. The focus of this study is to examine anthropogenic cloud forcings designed to offset the warming trend and prevent complete loss of the cryosphere and damaging sea level rises. Cloud Farming, seeding the atmosphere with sea salt CCN to form low level clouds that cool the atmosphere, is being examined along with other methods of offsetting the effects of global warming. Global warming is going to continue into the next century. Finding ways to offset the warming effects of greenhouse gases is the true challenge that we face. If warming continues unabated the cost related to storm damage is going to increase exponentially. . Finding ways to cool the atmosphere and Meteorological and Climatological Impact Studies need to play an important role in Urban Development. Using sea salt as a CCN over the oceans to create cloud shading and increased SW reflectivity in model simulations shows considerable promise.