Extremes and Human Health: Building Resilience to Heat Stress
Extremes and Human Health: Building Resilience to Heat Stress

Tuesday, 4 February 2014: 11:00 AM-12:00 PM
Room C213 (The Georgia World Congress Center )
Host: Fifth Conference on Environment and Health
Moderators: Michelle D. Hawkins, Climate Services Division, NOAA/NWS, Silver Spring, MD
Panelists: John R. Nairn, Bureau of Meteorology Research Centre, Kent Town, Australia; Daniel Patrick Johnson, Center for Health Geographics, Department of Geography, Indiana University, Indianapolis, IN and Paul English, Environmental Health Tracking Program, California Department of Public Health, Richmond, CA
11:15 AM
Welcoming Remarks
11:30 AM
11:45 AM
Extremes and Human Health: Building Resilience to Heat Stress: John Nairn
12:00 PM
Panel Discussion
See more of: Fifth Conference on Environment and Health