Developing Summer Research Experiences for all Academic Levels: From High School to Four- Year Colleges
Developing Summer Research Experiences for all Academic Levels: From High School to Four- Year Colleges

Tuesday, 6 January 2015: 8:30 AM
125AB (Phoenix Convention Center - West and North Buildings)
Early involvement in research, and exposure to the culture of science and a scientific work environment are recognized as some of the most effective ways to engage undergraduate students in STEM fields. Numerous geoscience programs and schools are making use of research experiences for undergraduates (REUs) to recruit and retain students. Recently, the call for involving academically younger students in research has become louder and faculty and program managers find themselves having to adjust their programs to meet these students at their level of preparation. This includes supporting mentors in working with students who are academically less experienced than the traditional REU participant. This presentation will share experiences from four different programs at research institutions in Boulder, CO that involve students ranging from high school juniors to college seniors in summer experiences. We will address program design, scaling of projects, remedial courses, as well as managing mentor expectations and supporting two-year college students. We will also highlight what can be achieved by all of these students, given a supportive program environment.