Deep Convective-Aerosol Interactions in Climate Models (Invited Presentation)
Deep Convective-Aerosol Interactions in Climate Models (Invited Presentation)
- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner
Monday, 5 January 2015: 11:00 AM
223 (Phoenix Convention Center - West and North Buildings)
Deep convective-aerosol interactions, a challenge to model even in cloud-system resolving models due to the multi-phase aerosol activation and microphysical processes involved, have been explored to only a limited extent in climate models. Deep convection is parameterized in climate models, and most convetive parameterizations for climate models have been based on mass fluxes. Key activation processes depend on convective-scale vertical velocities, which, until recently, have not been a part of most convective parameterizations.
In order for convective parameterizations in climate models to simulate deep convective-aerosol interactions, they will need to realistically generate probability distributions of vertical velocity. This presentantation will discuss the deep convection parameterization in GFDL's CM3 climate model. CM3's convective veritical velocities will be compared against observations and cloud-resolving models. Implications for interactions between aerosols and deep convection will be discussed.