The contribution of plume-scale nucleation to global and regional aerosol and CCN concentrations (Invited Presentation)

Based on the results of the SAM-TOMAS model, we develop the Predicting Particles Produced in Power-Plant Plumes (P6) parameterization: a computationally-efficient, but physically-based, parameterization that predicts the characteristics of aerosol formed within sulphur-rich plumes based on large-scale mean meteorological parameters, emissions directly from the source, and mean background pollutant concentrations.
Finally, we implement the P6 parameterization in the GEOS-Chem-TOMAS global chemical-transport model in order to evaluate the contribution of coal-fired power plants globally to particle number and CCN concentrations. Globally, use of the P6 parameterization resulted in predicted CCN concentrations smaller than or similar to previous sub-grid sulphate schemes depending on the model configuration. We find that the sub-grid scale new-particle formation predicted by P6 is most sensitive to uncertainties in the model-predicted aerosol condensation sink. For constant SO2 emissions, fewer new particles are formed in more polluted regions. This spatial heterogeneity in new-particle formation cannot be resolved by previous treatments of sub-grid sulphate but is captured by P6.