HiWinGS Buoy Measurements of Wave Statistics and Energy Spectra

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Monday, 5 January 2015: 4:30 PM
224A (Phoenix Convention Center - West and North Buildings)
Matthew J. Amison, University of Leeds, Pudsey, England; and L. Bariteau, B. W. Blomquist,
I. M. Brooks,
H. Czerski, C. W. Fairall, J. Hare,
B. J. Huebert,
A. Matei, S. J. Norris, R. W. Pascal,
J. Prytherch, M. J. Yang, and M. J. Yelland
From October 9th to November 13th 2013, the High Wind Gas Exchange Study (HiWinGS) research cruise took place on board the R/V Knorr in the Labrador Sea, with the aim of gaining a greater understanding of the dependence of air-sea fluxes on sea state under high wind conditions. Fluxes of momentum, heat, moisture, sea-spray aerosol and several trace gases including CO2, DMS, and methanol were determined using the eddy covariance technique. Spar buoys, designed and built at the UK National Oceanography Centre, and a Datawell DWR-G4 Directional Waverider buoy were deployed to measure wave spectra and wave breaking.
A wide variety of wind speeds and sea states were observed: 10-minute averaged Hs values during HiWinGS were between 1.38 and 11.4 m, and a 10-minute average U10 of greater than 15 m/s was observed for a total of 165 hours during the campaign.
Here we present a comparison between the wave measurements from the different buoys. We determine the capabilities of the buoys at measuring sea state in a variety of conditions and examine the reliability and accuracy of wind-sea/swell separations calculated from the 1-D spectra produced by the buoys. The spar buoys are found to represent the wave field, particularly local wind-sea, and separate wind-sea/swell energies more accurately than the waverider buoy.