Examining Polarimetric Characteristics of Electronic Interference In Weather Radar Data

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner
Sunday, 4 January 2015
Thong N. Phan, CAPS/Univ. of Oklahoma, McAlester, OK; and V. Lakshmanan and J. Krause

Meteorologists have been able to examine the atmosphere using weather radars to look at what kinds of precipitation have been occurring for many decades. With the recent upgrade to dual-polarization radars (dual-pol) for the WSR-88D (Weather Surveillance Radar 1998 Doppler), meteorologists can now examine the atmosphere with dual-polarization products. These products are: Velocity (V), Reflectivity (Z), Differential Phase on Propagation (PhiDP), Correlation Coefficient (RhoHV), Differential Reflectivity (Zdr), and Spectrum Width (SPW). Though the products are very useful in determining what type of precipitation are in the atmosphere, how large the precipitation event is, and how severe it can be, it picks up many non-meteorological echoes. Electronic interference is a type of non-meteorological echo that has high reflectivity values and is mistakenly forecasted as precipitation by automated systems. This study looks at the reflectivity, differential reflectivity, and correlation coefficient of electronic interference and precipitation to find objective criteria to distinguish a difference between them. The findings are meant to aid in the current quality control algorithm to be more efficient for operational use.