How a small firm can effectively participate in the NOAA Weather Ready Nation (WRN) Ambassador program

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner
Wednesday, 7 January 2015: 9:45 AM
128AB (Phoenix Convention Center - West and North Buildings)
Alicia C. Wasula, PhD, Shade Tree Meteorology, LLC, Niskayuna, NY; and R. Westergard

NOAA launched the Weather Ready Nation (WRN) initiative in order to address communities' increasing vulnerability to high-impact weather events. Specifically, the Ambassadors initiative was developed to create a partnership between government (local, state and national), private sector, academia and others to increase preparedness and responsiveness to weather situations.

As a private firm, Shade Tree Meteorology, LLC has chosen to participate as a WRN Ambassador. We believe it is the duty of all meteorologists to provide basic weather safety and preparedness information, as well as address the misinformation that exists on this topic in the general public. Further, the designation of ‘Weather Ambassador' will serve to increase visibility of the company in the community and provide opportunities to highlight our mission and reach potential new clients via outreach opportunities. This talk will highlight specific action items that we as a company will be implementing in order to increase weather preparedness and awareness among those in our sphere of influence; namely, our clients and in our community.