Utilizing TITAN Software for Hail Analysis to Aid in Mission Guidance
In this analysis, case studies of storms near WSR-88D radars in the state of South Dakota and the CSU-CHILL research radar in Greeley, CO will be displayed using the TITAN software suite. Each storm will be analyzed using a rubric of hail metrics including probability of hail (POH), hail mass, Foote-Krauss (FOKR) index, vertically integrated hail mass, 3 body scatter spikes, bounded weak echo regions, and dual-polarization radar measurements (ZDR, KDP, and ZH). Spe-cifically, the hail rubric will be used to find areas of hazardous flying conditions, hail, icing, and storm development to aid meteorologists and pilots to coordinate for mission decision support. Finally, a comparison will be made between the different variables of the rubric to see conditions in which they agree or disagree on hail content of a storm. Verification of the hail content will be made using National Weather Service storm reports.