Drag coefficient and wave property relationships from HIWINGS – Results from the 2013 High Wind Gas Exchange Study in the Labrador Sea (Invited Presentation)
Drag coefficient and wave property relationships from HIWINGS – Results from the 2013 High Wind Gas Exchange Study in the Labrador Sea (Invited Presentation)

Wednesday, 7 January 2015: 12:00 AM
224A (Phoenix Convention Center - West and North Buildings)
From 9 October to 14 November we measured air-sea fluxes of CO2, DMS, acetone, methanol, monoterpenes, heat, moisture, and momentum from the R/V Knorr just south of Greenland under a wide variety of sea states and wind speeds – up to 6 m significant wave height and 29 m/s U10. We used whitecap cameras, a spar buoy with wave wires, bubble resonators, and wave cameras, waveriders, a wave radar, and a laser wave profiler to quantify the physical factors that most likely explain the variance in exchange coefficients with wind speed. In this paper we will describe results from computation of turbulent drag coefficients and an analysis of dependence on wind speed and wave properties. Comparisons will be made with the current version 3.5 of the COARE flux algorithm.