Space Weather Research, Education and Development Initiative (Space Weather REDI): Hands-on Educational Opportunities at the Community Coordinated Modeling Center
Space Weather Research, Education and Development Initiative (Space Weather REDI): Hands-on Educational Opportunities at the Community Coordinated Modeling Center

Tuesday, 6 January 2015: 11:30 AM
227A-C (Phoenix Convention Center - West and North Buildings)
This complex technological environment in the modern world is susceptible to space weather effects caused by the variability of our dynamic Sun. Space weather awareness is a necessary element of not only monitoring and maintaining existing assets in space, but also ensuring the success and viability of any new space-based technological developments. There is a growing need for the next generation of science and technology professionals to have an understanding of the fundamentals of the Sun-Earth system, how space weather disrupts technological systems and how space weather is predicted. This trend calls for more educational opportunities for the exciting and rapidly maturing field of space weather. The Community Coordinated Modeling Center (CCMC) hosts an expanding collection of state-of-the-art space weather models and develops tools and systems for space weather research analysis and forecasting. The Space Weather Research Center (SWRC) prototypes forefront forecasting techniques and procedures and provides space weather services for NASA's robotic missions. The goals of the Space Weather Research, Education and Development Initiative (REDI) are: 1) Engage undergraduate and K-12 students in exciting space weather research, development and forecasting activities at the CCMC/SWRC; 2) Provide hands-on internship opportunities that develop skills beneficial for any future career pursuit; 3) Promote space environment awareness as an important component of the new millennium core education; 4) Facilitate establishment of space weather programs at universities worldwide.