Inter-comparison of S-NPP Cross Track Infrared Microwave Sounder Suite (CrIMSS) Water Vapor Retrievals with Radiosonde and Raman Lidar Water Vapor Measurements
Inter-comparison of S-NPP Cross Track Infrared Microwave Sounder Suite (CrIMSS) Water Vapor Retrievals with Radiosonde and Raman Lidar Water Vapor Measurements

Thursday, 8 January 2015: 11:45 AM
211A West Building (Phoenix Convention Center - West and North Buildings)
The Beltsville Center for Climate System Observation (BCCSO), which is one of the GCOS Reference Upper Air Network (GRUAN) sites, has been launching dedicated radiosondes and operating a Raman Lidar during S-NPP satellite overpasses. The purpose of this research was to inter-compare S-NPP satellite Cross Track Infrared Microwave Sounder Suite (CrIMSS) operational water vapor retrievals to radiosonde water vapor measurements (RAOB) and Howard University Raman Lidar (HURL) water vapor measurements. The operational CrIMSS retrieval algorithm is the NOAA-Unique CrIS/ATMS Processing System (NUCAPS), which routinely retrieves atmospheric vertical temperature and moisture profile environmental data records (EDRs) globally twice a day. We also investigated the performance of the CrIMSS water vapor measurements during atmospheric conditions of clear and cloudy days in efforts to assist in the assessment of EDR water vapor standards. We show case studies of the CrIMSS performance in comparison to the HURL for clear and cloudy days. The performance of the inter-comparison will also be related to the existing synoptic conditions and water vapor variability.