Combined measurements of aerosol and cloud detection, characterization and classification using coherent doppler lidar

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner
Thursday, 8 January 2015: 2:45 PM
211A West Building (Phoenix Convention Center - West and North Buildings)
Philippe Royer, LEOSPHERE, Orsay, France; and M. Boquet, J. P. Cariou, L. Sauvage, L. Thobois, and R. Parmentier

Coherent lidars are nowadays well-recognized for their accurate measurements of wind speed profiles based on the Doppler shift effect of aerosols. The signal reflectivity (CNR for Carrier-to-Noise Ratio) profiles can also be retrieved from the signal strength of the detected Doppler peak. We present here new aerosol and cloud functionalities developed on WINDCUBE long range scanning Doppler lidar at 1.54 microns. Aerosol/cloud detection and discrimination is based on CNR gradient values. Instrumental calibration is performed to retrieve aerosol optical properties such as the relative and absolute attenuated backscatter coefficients. Finally, the detection of the planetary boundary layer uses information from the CNR gradients for the residual layer detection and from atmospheric turbulence for the convective boundary layers. We will present here the first observations of aerosol layers (pollution and dust aerosols) and cirrus clouds up to 10km height with scanning WINDCUBE coherent Doppler lidar. Simulations of volcanic ash detection will also be discussed according to ash layer density, height and depth.