Land surface albedo from a constellation of geostationary satellites compared and fused with polar-orbiting data
Land surface albedo from a constellation of geostationary satellites compared and fused with polar-orbiting data

Monday, 5 January 2015
The WMO-led activity on Sustained and Coordinated Processing of Environmental Satellite Data for Climate Monitoring (SCOPE-CM) provides the infrastructure to ensure a continuous and sustained generation of climate data records (CDR) from satellite data in compliance with Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) principles and guidelines. SCOPE-CM represents a new partnership between operational space agencies to coordinate the generation of CDRs. The SCOPE-CM effort to generate a unique land surface albedo CDR involves 5 different geostationary satellite positions and approximately 3 decades of satellite data. The resultant albedo products are compared to polar-orbiting based albedo products (i.e. MODIS). Given the fine temporal resolution of the geostationary product, and the fine spatial resolution of the polar-orbiting product, a fused product leveraging the advantages of each is desirable. Several regions, collocated with in situ observations for validation, were selected to evaluate a spatial statistical data fusion algorithm. We will present the status of the international effort to produce a 30 year CDR of land surface albedo from geostationary satellites along with results demonstrating an approach to implement fusion with polar-orbiting data.