Diurnal Cycle of the Atmospheric Mixed Layer during DYNAMO/CINDY/AMIE

Results indicate that the atmospheric mixed layer varies on multiple time scales throughout the campaign, ranging all the way from the monthly MJO time scale to short time scales associated with the diurnal cycle and individual convective systems. The mixed layer at the Revelle determined by the soundings exhibits a clear signal associated with the passage of both the October and November MJOs, while the amplitude of the MJO signal at Gan Island is somewhat less. Both sounding and S-Pol data at Gan Island reveal a diurnal-cycle range of the mixed layer depth of ~100 m on undisturbed days, but less of a variation during the convectively disturbed, active phase of the MJO. Analysis of the diurnal cycle at the Revelle is underway and will be reported on at the conference.