NCEP Central Operations Lesson Learned on WCOSS I/O Management
NCEP Central Operations Lesson Learned on WCOSS I/O Management

Thursday, 8 January 2015: 1:30 PM
128AB (Phoenix Convention Center - West and North Buildings)
In July 2013, NOAA operationally transitioned from an IBM P6 AIX High Performance Computing (HPC) system to an IBM iDataPlex Intel Linux HPC system. This transition to a new operating system brought with it some growing pains, especially the management of disk I/O bandwidth. Disk I/O issues included unintended operational impacts due to development usage, sub-optimal segregation of the file system, and ineffective meta-data management. This presentation will provide a summary of the I/O issues NCEP Central Operations encountered, the solutions implemented, and how the lessons learned will be applied in the future.