Weather Radio - Implementing Accessibility for Blind and Low-Vision Users in a Weather Safety and Alerting App
Weather Radio - Implementing Accessibility for Blind and Low-Vision Users in a Weather Safety and Alerting App

Wednesday, 7 January 2015: 4:30 PM
221A-C (Phoenix Convention Center - West and North Buildings)
WDT's Weather Radio app is a valuable weather safety tool at home or on the go. Blind and low-vision users need to maintain situational awareness of severe weather alerts and lightning, but they require support beyond the standard graphical interface to use the app effectively. Weather Radio 3.0 utilizes iOS's VoiceOver support to make the app fully accessible to blind and low-vision users. Incorporating accessibility early in the development process opens the app up to an important demographic and can lead to a better design for all users. We demonstrate how VoiceOver makes Weather Radio a valuable tool for blind and low-vision users, discuss the design process, and present customer feedback on the results.