Impacts of Extreme Air Pollution Meteorology on Air Quality in the Context of Global Change
Impacts of Extreme Air Pollution Meteorology on Air Quality in the Context of Global Change

Monday, 5 January 2015
128AB (Phoenix Convention Center - West and North Buildings)
Extreme meteorological events, such as temperature inversion, heat wave and atmospheric stagnation, can significantly affect air quality. In this work, we first analyze the extreme air pollution meteorology in the past decades to identify the possible trends in the context of global climate change. Statistically significant increasing trends have been identified for heat waves and temperature inversion over large areas around the world. We then examine the air quality data together with the meteorology data to investigate the potential impacts of extreme air pollution meteorology on air quality. Our results show that the air pollution episodes are generally associated with one or more extreme air pollution meteorological events, although there are large seasonal and spatial variations. We also carry out model simulations for climate and air quality in the coming decades to project their future evolution in the context of global change.