Accessing real time atmospheric profiler and sounding comparison with MesoWest's Above Surface Network

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner
Thursday, 8 January 2015: 2:15 PM
131AB (Phoenix Convention Center - West and North Buildings)
Joseph S. Young, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT; and J. D. Horel and C. Galli

MesoWest at the University Of Utah has been extending the functionality of MesoWest to acquire, archive, and disseminate data acquired from surface-based remote sensors, such as radar wind profilers (RWP), sodars, and ceilometers. We have created datasets for viewing and comparing various sets of profiles in near-real time as well as maintain an archive for later analysis. Using cloud-based computing services, users anywhere can send, store and monitor their remote sensors, and compare them to nearby and similar sensors within the network. Data are sent to MADIS for use in operational numerical weather prediction data assimilation systems.

Some examples of the observations and analyses that can be made with this dataset will be demonstrated, including viewing pseudo-radiosondes derived by combining RWP wind profiles with microwave radiometer temperature and moisture profiles. We also compare observations from these new instruments against in-situ rawinsonde observations, for real time and historical quality assurance. Additional on-the-fly analysis capabilities will be demonstrated. Using these datasets and displays, real-time monitoring and observation can be greatly improved. Real-time quality control analysis and assurance procedures are used to detect errors or problems with the equipment. Thus, the operator of the instrument can receive detailed information regarding instrument problems.