Pyodec: Streamline and standardize methods for decoding non-structured data files

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner
Monday, 5 January 2015
Joseph S. Young, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT

An open python package is being constructed to efficiently decode non-standardized ascii files from disparate, commercial atmospheric (and non-meteorological) sensors into easily-used python objects. Operators of these instruments can quickly utilize the data from their instruments, which otherwise requires proprietary software or significant effort.

As an extension of a project at MesoWest to collect surface-based remote sensing data (such as that from sodars and lidars), a python package is being constructed to efficiently and simply decode proprietary/non-standardized text or binary files from disparate, commercial remote sensors into easily-used python objects. This package creates a standard API that a client can use to decode a file, and a developer can use to build a decoder. By creating such a library, operators of these instruments (both researchers and operational groups) can quickly utilize their data, and easily share decoders they have created for other users of similar datasets. The package, the process of developing a decoder, and the process of using the package to extract data from a data file will be presented.