The MTG-IRS Level 2 Processor: background
The MTG-IRS Level 2 Processor: background

Wednesday, 7 January 2015
Handout (584.1 kB)
The Level 2 Validation and Demonstration Processor (L2VDP) is an end-to-end processor for the processing of MTG-IRS observations. The L2VDP consists of a cloud detection method, a 1dvar retrieval package and a post-processing module. The poster presentation will cover mainly the theoretical aspects, selected results will be presented during two oral presentation. The cloud detection method is novel as it is based on the spectral signature of clouds embedded in the hyperspectral observations, the 1dvar optimal estimation method is a straight implementation of the constrained minimisation method, and employs the use of flow dependent a-priori information from ECMWF data, and furthermore it uses the OSS fast radiative transfer code. The atmospheric state retrieved from the observations consists of vertical profiles of temperature, specific humidity, ozone, surface emissivity and surface temperature information. The post processing module, transforms the retrieved atmospheric state and projects into a space suitable for data assimilation applications The present abstract considers the mathematical background. and is proposed as poster presentation. Selected results are presented during two oral presentations.