The MTG-IRS Level 2 Processor: Data Assimilation
The MTG-IRS Level 2 Processor: Data Assimilation

Monday, 5 January 2015
Handout (658.3 kB)
The MTG-IRS Level 2 Validation and Demonstration Processor (L2VDP) is an end-to-end processor for the processing of MTG-IRS observations. The L2VDP consists of a cloud detection method, a 1dvar retrieval package and a post-processing module. The proposed poster presentation will cover mainly the theoretical aspects, selected results will be presented during two oral presentation. Here selected results for data assimilation applications are described. The relative merits of the assimilation of level 2 products in a regional scale model, two studies are being performed. The two studies are using different regional scale models, namely HARMONIE and WRF and are considering two different geographical regions. While one team considers a oceanographic region, where little conventional observations are collected, the other team is considering Central Europe where numerous conventional observations are available for assimilation applications. Prior to the assimilation the temperature and specific humidity profiles are extracted from the atmospheric state derived by the 1dvar method from IASI observations. Then following the method proposed by Migliorini (2012) the temperature and humidity profiles are projected and transformed to reduce the effects of the a-priori information used to generate the level 2 products. During the presentation initial results of direct comparison between the temperature and humidity profiles to the NWP fields are presented, followed by presentation of the scaled-projected states and initial results of assimilation experiments.