The Utility of Next Generation GOES Satellite Measurement Techniques for Assessing Lightning Initiation, Intensity and Charge Structure

For the first component, the Meteosat Second Generation (MSG), which offers 12 spectral channels will be gathered for convictive storms occurring over the CHUVA Experiment domain as select deep convective cases are studies over Sau Paulo, Brazil. Although our results for this component are preliminary, the goal is to increase our understanding of ABI-like data in advance of GOES-R, in combination with lightning mapping array and dual-polarimetric radar data. The second project component is more mature, and involves use of SRSOR data as they provide a unique opportunity for high temporal scale divergence and vorticity mesoscale atmospheric motion vector analysis and provides similar information of updraft intensity when compared to lightning jumps. A sample case study over Colorado exhibited the divergence jump behavior 15 minutes before an elevated tornado vortex signature was observed. Use of SRSOR brightness temperatures to profile atmospheric CAPE can also provide layer acceleration data in the pre-lightning initiation phase. For both study components, multiple bands in the pre-lightning initiation phase provide important nowcasting information on the microphysical structure and growth of convection. The satellite information examined in this presentation can be combined with radar and numerical weather prediction data to form lightning initiation and intensity nowcasting products. The utility of these techniques are explored with several select case studies on the current generation to benefit scientists and forecasters at the launch of GOES-R through enhanced algorithms that provide short-term predictions of lightning.