Mapping Flood Induced by Hurricane Storm Surge Using the NPP/JPSS ATMS Data

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
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Tuesday, 6 January 2015: 4:00 PM
231ABC (Phoenix Convention Center - West and North Buildings)
Donglian (Lillian) Sun, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA; and W. Zheng, S. Li, A. Stefanidis, and M. Goldberg

Mapping Flood Induced by Hurricane Storm Surge Using the NPP/JPSS ATMS Data

Donglian Sun1, Wei Zheng1, Sanmei Li1, Anthony Stefanidis1, and Mitchell Goldberg2

1Department of Geography and Geoinformation Science George Mason University 2 NOAA JPSS Program Office, Lanham, MD 20706

Abstract Coastal floods induced by hurricane storm surge are frequent, costly, and deadly hazards. Estimating accurately and quickly their spatial extent are of great importance for relief and rescue operations. In this study, we present an approach to estimate the extent of large-scale coastal floods from passive microwave remote sensing data. The approach proceeds by estimating water fraction from coarse-resolution ATMS (Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder) data through mixed pixel linear decomposition. Land and water sample regions generated by river density and land cover data, the relationship of different ATMS channels are all comprehensively taken into account to dynamically decide water and land endmembers. Based on water fraction difference, using the physical characteristics of water inundation, flood map derived from coarse-resolution ATMS measurement was extrapolated to a higher spatial resolution of 100 meters, using topographic information. Together these steps compose a water fraction and high-resolution (WFHF) mapping process. In order to evaluate the WFHF mapping methodology presented in this study, the corresponding ground observations in the form of storm-tide sites and high-water-mark data, and crowd-sourced social media flood reports in the form of flickr imagery, are used to evaluate the WFHF mapping methodology. Overall, the proposed WFHF methodology was able to produce high quality and high-resolution flood map over large-scale coastal areas.