A History of Federal Involvement in Space Weather
A History of Federal Involvement in Space Weather

Monday, 5 January 2015
Earth-directed space weather events have the potential to disrupt our techno-centric society. Infrastructures important to the economy and human health (e.g., the electric grid) may be affected. Throughout the past decade, public awareness of space weather events and the potential impacts have grown significantly through increased media coverage and the research efforts of the scientific community. Although public interest in space weather has only recently intensified, Federal involvement in space weather dates back further. Federal awareness of and involvement in space weather have grown through the 20th century and into the present. Through archival research and an analysis of policy documents, reports, articles, and white papers from a variety of sources, this study will review the evolution of involvement of the Federal government in space weather. This poster will also highlight how these actions on the part of the Federal government have enhanced our ability to understand and respond to space weather.