An Inter-calibrated Passive Microwave Brightness Temperature Data Record and Ocean Products
The data record produced by RSS has had a significant scientific impact. Over just the last 14 years (2000-2013) RSS data have been used in 743 peer-reviewed journal articles. This is an average of 4.5 peer-reviewed papers published every month made possible with RSS data. Some of the most important scientific contributions made by RSS data have been to the study of the climate. The AR5 Report “Climate Change 2013: The Physical Science Basis” by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the internationally accepted authority on climate change, references 20 peer-reviewed journal papers from RSS scientists. The report makes direct use of RSS water vapor data, RSS atmospheric temperatures from MSU/AMSU, and 9 other datasets that are derived from RSS data. The RSS TB data record is used to produce the NSIDC Sea Ice, NASA Sea Ice, and NASA GPCP Rain Rate datasets. The RSS ocean products are used to produce the NCDC ERSST, CCMP Winds, NOAA Sea Winds, WHOI OA Flux, OSU Wind Stress, and UWISC Cloud Water datasets. The large number of scientific articles and significant impact on the IPCC report demonstrate the success of RSS inter-calibration methodology.