The impact of biological aerosols on desert dust within the cloud droplet
The impact of biological aerosols on desert dust within the cloud droplet

Wednesday, 7 January 2015
Once the dust is uplifted fractionated and put into long-range transport it has a chance of contact with cloud water along the course of its transport route. Once came into contact with cloud water the prokaryotes embedded within the clay particles will become active and releases oxalate as an osmosolute within minutes. Oxalate is strong enough to disintegrate the surrounding clay minerals as to form reduced iron carbon dioxide and carbonyl radicals with the assistance of intense solar light. Oxalate further disintegrates the polymeric structure of chitin as to release the much-required amine groups as well as methyl resulting with the formation of various amino acids and methane with the clouds. This iconoclastic approach will change our understanding of dust cloud interactions and subsequent chemical transformation of dust in the atmosphere. We have experimentally shown the formation of oxalate, carbon dioxide and methane by using Saharan desert soil imported directly from Tunisia. We have further shown that each and every synoptic scale depression enriched by desert dust over both hemispheres have the potential of generating carbon dioxide and methane by using the WDCGG data archive. Thus without assessing the impact of this so far unrecognised essential natural reaction mechanisms its impossible to tackle with global greenhouse gas issue since typical cyclonic system have the potential of generating millions of tones of greenhouse gas on a daily basis.