Quasi-real-time analysis of solar radiation with photovoltaic power using geostationary satellite
Quasi-real-time analysis of solar radiation with photovoltaic power using geostationary satellite
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Monday, 5 January 2015
Solar radiation is the only source of energy that drives the weather and climate of the Earth's surface. Clouds can cool the Earth by reflecting solar radiation and also can keep the Earth warm by absorbing and emitting terrestrial radiation. They are important in the energy balance at the Earth surface and the Top of the Atmosphere (TOA) and are connected complicatedly into the Earth system as well as other climate feedback processes. Thus it is important to estimate Earth's radiation budget for better understanding of climate and environmental change. Similarly, there is a close relationship with several topics. Share of renewable energy that corresponds to the scenario of CO2 global warming has been shown by Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Special Report on Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation (IPCC SRREN). Solar radiation is one of the energy source of renewable energy (Photovoltaics and solar thermal/solar power). It does not emit the greenhouse gases during thermal and power generation. Therefor it is an effective energy source that is expected as one of the mitigation of climate change. The solar radiation real-time-monitoring is important to Energy and Climate study. We introduce a fusion analysis of renewable energy and Quasi-real-time analysis of SW radiation budget.