Identifying and Addressing Research Needs in the Social Sciences that Benefit Weather Operations

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner
Wednesday, 7 January 2015: 4:00 PM
226AB (Phoenix Convention Center - West and North Buildings)
John V. Cortinas Jr., NOAA, Silver Spring, MD; and K. E. Klockow

The objective of this presentation is to inform the weather community on steps being taken to strengthen NOAA/OAR's social science research portfolio associated with high-impact weather events that will help improve NOAA's weather products.

NOAA has increasingly included social science information in the creation and dissemination of its weather products, including a new storm surge product and the language used in disseminating various other text-based weather products, following the recommendations of NOAA's Science Advisory Board, the academic community, and stakeholders in the weather enterprise. Many of these social science concepts are based on research that has been done on risk communication, a body of research that has been funded by other agencies. Within NOAA, social science research associated with weather has been supported by the Sea Grant Program and the Office of Weather and Air Quality (OWAQ), however, available funding has been limited.

As part of an effort to strengthen the social science research portfolio related to weather within OWAQ, as well as improve the transition of this research into operations, OWAQ has initiated an effort to identify remaining gaps to address NOAA's current and future operational needs related to high-impact weather. Based on these gaps, OWAQ will develop a research strategy for addressing these needs that includes the involvement of the academic community. This presentation will discuss some of the social science research that has been supported by NOAA, OWAQ's approach to identifying the research gaps, developing an OWAQ social science research strategy, creating future research opportunities for academic partners, and engaging stakeholders.